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Metal detection is very relaxing and fun for people who are looking for something different, that is, a new experience and learning how to search for treasure with your metal detector will be something unforgettable.

Concentration and technique are paramount in metal detecting in which the treasure hunter experiences a degree of spiritual concentration.

Your patience and ability that you feel during the search is what will lead to success of how to search for treasure with your metal detector and in fact if you really find something of value.


A beginner, in the search of metal detection with only the fact of finding some object of little value is a feeling of joy and joy, while the most experienced find gold or some relic the euphoria is greater. As you have realized, this pastime is very fun and rewarding, so every day there are more practitioners.

One of the things about how to search for treasure with the metal detector and be successful is to start looking for the best places.

These are always public places, and they are always in the areas most crowded by people and you can also find in areas where you have references that they have found treasure.

For beginners, your home or neighbor's backyard is a good place to practice. Since they are good places where you can find coins, jewelry, pieces of ancient value and relics.

These items may have been buried before the house was built so look around and it is the best way how to search for treasure with your metal detector.

You can also start by looking at playgrounds as they are a good place to start looking for recently lost money and jewelry.

In these places, like the parks, they are very good to find valuable objects since they are very frequented by people who lose their chain, rings, among others and that are buried over time and you can find it with your metal detector.

But, I recommend that you be aware of the park ordinances before you start working with your metal detector, since a fine can cost more than the value of your discovered treasure.

The beaches, parks and playgrounds are also governed by regulations that must be respected how to search for treasure with your metal detector.

Another place to look for valuables is the forest and they can be good profits since you can find a great treasure in these mountains that are waiting for you.

Another of the fabulous areas are the banks of the riverside of the rivers.

Items that have been lost over time wash ashore to become merely a memory in rock and sediment until found by a treasure hunter with his metal detector.

Now that you know how to search for treasure with your metal detector, you can start practicing metal detecting, you can simply take some coins, bolts and other metal items and place them near any area.

Listening to the tones of the metal detector and approaching the items can be done from various angles, so you will have an idea when you are hunting. 

This is all about listening and sweeping from side to side in a slow but steady motion and listening to what the detector is telling you.

With these exercises they will help you when you are in contact with a valuable object.

You are ready to search for treasure with your metal detector. Now you have to do some research on the areas you are going to explore to see if they have treasure history.

You also have to be aware of the environment and look for quiet places.

Make sure you have permission in the search areas so that you do not have a problem paying a fine or going to jail.

Once the search has started, listen carefully to the beep of your detector and make the sweeps very slowly. According to my experience, in a short time you will find some valuable object. You will like introduction to metal detecting series

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