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One of the things you should know before entering the world of metal detecting is that luck plays a major role. The experts in this treasure hunt recommend that people should research online and that metal detecting forums will find people like you, where you can share experience that will help you in discovering treasure.

Metal detecting has become a hobby for some people but, while it is true, there are people who make a living from it and earn a lot of money.

Now whatever your reason it is best to seek help, suggestions and assistance from a metal detecting forum.

While it is true, the people who are part of a metal detecting forum always support the other members.

You may have thought that metal detecting is just carrying a metal detector and you will find some treasure, but the reality is that it requires certain skills and being a good investigator.

In addition, you have to have a little patience since in my experience when you start metal detecting you will find some obstacles at the beginning such as garbage, soda cans, and some objects of little value, but do not be discouraged by success wait for you.

By being part of a metal detecting forum, you will see that luck is not everything.

But, that it is a job well done and that in a metal detection forum you will have people with the same interests as yours, which is to discover treasure with the metal detector.

It is always good to get advice from many experienced people in these metal detecting forums it will certainly help you in your work with the metal detector.

For many experts who are in these metal detection forums, according to their experience, learning to detect metals can take some people time, perhaps years, but there are also some cases that people learn after a few days.

If you know of an area where some treasure or valuable is found, first go to these metal detecting forums for advice and then apply it to your search.

While it is true, for many novices in  San Joaquin metal detecting club , they may not know how to use the metal detector, not even where they sell it, much less where to start working.

Nowadays, with the Internet, people can investigate what they need from home and ask for help. having so many forums and facebook groups things are easier.

Now, the decision is yours if you want to read the metal detector instruction manual or watch a metal detecting video and start searching for treasure with your metal detector. 

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