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Metal detecting has become a respected sport in the United States and with them the increase in clubs and one highly sought after by practitioners of this discipline is the San Joaquin metal detecting club.

This San Joaquin club was founded in 1975 and is also known in the community as San Joaquin valley treasure hunter metal detecting.

Of course, after this association enjoys great prestige, there have been more than several decades in this business of discovering treasures and its current president, Bob Clark, of this San Joaquin metal detecting club.

This is one of the few clubs in the United States that makes it easy for its members to look for treasure in their backyards. In addition, searching in other areas such as the banks of rivers, parks, beaches and in areas that have a large influx of people always give good results.

Another incentive that the San Joaquin Metal Detecting Club has is that members who report a find of little value are given a raffle ticket in which they participate for a large prize.

This is one of the clubs that promote the search for gold in California and throughout the world.

This San Joaquin Metal Detecting Club is committed to fostering the hobby of treasure hunting, fostering camaraderie and having fun.

Of course there are rules and norms of coexistence, the main one being respect for private property, filling in excavations, carrying out the search in a way that does not destroy natural resources.

In addition to promoting wildlife and protecting fauna, they are priorities in the metal detection club. of San Joaquin.

If you are a resident of or are in the vicinity of San Joaquin, you will surely love the fun and passion of searching for treasure with your metal detector.

Then the San Joaquin Metal Detecting Club is waiting for you. So, get in touch with their website. You will be interested too metal detecting forum 

Of course, it will be a unique experience in your life where you will share with good people creating bonds of friendship.

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