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Metal detecting can be a rewarding hobby that not only brings a tremendous amount of pleasure but can also provide you with the opportunity to unearth an array of treasures. If you have been considering getting involved with metal detecting, you will find that there is much to enjoy about this hobby as well as much to learn, including the right type of equipment to purchase for the type of metal detecting that you would like to engage in, the proper way to search a site and some basic rules and guidelines to keep in mind when locating items hidden beneath the ground. Thas why whith the metal detecting guide to solve problem on the job will help you discover treasures.

 In this guide we are going to solve all of those issues so that you will be able to hit the ground running and get started having fun with metal detecting hobby right away.

 Let's get started!


One of the most frequent questions that many people new to the idea of metal detecting have about the hobby is which metal detector equipment  is best to get started with. If you are thinking of purchasing a metal detector, there are a few factors to keep in mind when choosing your metal detecting equipment.

 The first factor that should be considered is your experience with metal detecting. Have you used a metal detector in the past? If this is to be your first metal detector and you have not used one in the past, think about whether you would prefer a detector that is top of the line that has all of the features so that you can make use of them as you gain experience or whether you would prefer to start out with something simple and then move on to an advanced detector as you gain experience. You should also think about the amount of time that you plan to devote to metal detecting. How to start looking for gold with metal detecting

 This is actually quite important because if you plan to spend a lot of time on your new hobby then you may find that you will do better with a metal detector that has several features.

 If you only plan to go metal detecting on the weekends and do not plan to spend a lot of time at this hobby then it may not make much sense to you to invest a lot of money in the purchase of a metal detector at this point. 

 Keep in mind; however, that many people have found that once they begin metal detecting they actually end up spending more time on their hobby than they had planned originally.

 Budget is also a consideration for many people. The price of many metal detectors is often closely associated with the number and types of features the metal detector includes. A basic beginner metal detector will be able to provide you with plenty of opportunities for locating exciting relics, but if you think you.

might spend quite a bit of time on your hobby you could quickly be in the market for a new metal detector with advanced features. 

 When considering the amount of money that you plan to budget for the purchase of your metal detector, you should also keep in mind that you will need to budget for accessories for your metal detector as well, including items such as sand scoops, headphones with volume control, diggers, coils, etc.

Recommendations on how to identify metals with the metal detector are also important, this will help you solve some problems that may cause you discomfort at work.

Most people when they go out to look for treasure they say they don't find anything except soda cans but, this happens because you don't know how to identify metals with the metal detector.

This happens due to lack of practice or you do not know the best areas. Of course, if you have a metal detector and you start looking for a find without doing your research first, chances are you won't find anything.

If you are not sure about finding treasure since you do not have the basic knowledge there are many ways that will help you find metals with your detector certainly it is often frustrating to go out looking for treasure and spend all day and not find anything that is why in this article taught you how to identify metals with your metal detector. Try to do these few things and you will see results in your treasure hunt.


You can gather a variety of metal objects, rings, gold chains, silver, among others. Proceed to place them in different places in your garden. 

It would be better if someone asks you to place them start with your metal detector and in this way you will learn to differentiate the sounds of certain metals. This requires practice, be patient that over time you will perfect your metal detection technique that is worth digging up.

It is preferable to go out to look for treasure with your metal detector after the rain. You will realize that after it rains the objects come to the surface, this facilitates the search since these metal elements that rise to the top will surprise you. 

Finally, it is important to carry the appropriate tools that will help you how to identify metals with the metal detector. Remember that the garden shovel and the plastic bags are essential, the shovel for excavations and the bag the place to put your finds.

In adittion , you should consider where you will primarily be using your metal detector before you actually make a purchase. This is important because there are different types of metal detectors which are designs for detecting in certain environments. For instance, some metal detectors are best for searching for items such as jewelry and coins.

  Other metal detectors are designed specifically for use on the beach or in water.
The difference between the two basic types of metal detectors is that one type contains a meter display for use on land. A beach detector will not have this type of feature, but is designed to be safely operated in wet conditions.

 You should also think about whether you plan to look for gold or silver. Different types of metal detectors feature frequencies that can make locating metal much easier, although you will often need to ground balance these detectors for the best results. In addition, there are metal detectors that are designed for locating items even at significant depths.

There are many places where you can go treasure hunting, such as the beach and parks, but it is very important that you know the best lists of metal detecting tips and the excellent ones in areas that at first glance might not seem like they would be. important.

Metal detection has become one of the hobbies that has had the greatest boom in recent years in the United States and in this article I share the best list of metal detecting tips.

Top tips on metal detecting.

You must know your metal detection equipment well, start practicing yourself, bury metal objects in the garden of your house and start looking for it with your metal detector this will help you to differentiate the signals of certain objects.

It is important that you join metal detecting clubs this will help you learn from the experience of others, you can also search the internet and forums for information on metal detection.

Set your metal detector so you can pick up signals.


It is important that you first investigate the area where you are going to search for treasures.

 Look at the old maps and analyze them well so that you are sure that it is a good place to find treasures. 

It is also important to search libraries for old documents for old newspaper clippings so you can get a clear picture on the site.

Find the elderly people who live in that area and talk to them you may have valuable information about the area where you are going to search for treasures with your metal detector.

Look for old buildings are a great place to search with your metal detector. Also, look for old houses, parks and places that were very popular in ancient times.

It is a good place to look at construction sites if they are remodeling the sidewalks it is good to have your metal detector inspected as these would have been unpaved sidewalks generations ago.

Never use your metal detector anywhere without a permit.

For your safety, let a friend or family member know where the metal detector is located in case an accident occurs. This should be done if you are in a very lay place.


Be very careful when digging up your metal object not to damage it with the shovel or digging tool.

When you have removed your treasure, pass the detector through the same place again, you may have more material.

Wear gloves when digging for targets as you can cut your hand on glass, rusty nails, cans, and other metal objects on the ground.

Remember that you must cover each hole that you dig since no person who passes through the place will be injured and it is also good ethics to leave the place as you found it.

Collect any trash you dig up in a plastic bag.


If you are going to spend many hours working in the sun, it is best to wear a hat or cap, put on a little sunscreen and drink enough water.

Carry insect repellant so pests won't distract or disturb you when working with your metal detector.

Take your first aid kit with you when you're out on a treasure hunt, you never know when an accident might happen.

This is very important to carry spare batteries for your detector, lest running out of battery would be a rookie mistake. I hope this article will help you the best list of tips for metal detecting. 


What type of metal detecting is most interesting to you? Here are a few of the most common types of Metal detecting:

Coin Shooting Coin shooting is a type of metal detecting that is considered to be a specialty. This form of metal detecting typically involves searching for older silver and gold coins.

 Relic Hunting This type of metal detecting involves looking for historic items like military buttons, metals, munitions, etc.

 Gold Prospecting Many people like to use their metal detector to look for items such as gold nuggets. This form of metal detecting is quite popular in the Southwest.

 Beach Hunting This form of  metal detecting gold typically involves walking along the beach to look for items like coins and jewelry that might have been lost by people while on the beach. 

 Treasure Hunting This form of metal detecting is primarily restricted to areas where shipwrecks are thought to have occurred. The Florida Keys is one of the most popular locations for treasure hunting due to the number of shipwrecks that have occurred in the area over the years.

 Scuba Detecting This form of best metal detector of 2022  typically involves the use of scuba diving equipment along with a metal detector in order to look for items in deeper water.

 Water Hunting This type of metal detecting usually involves wading out into the shallow water to locate items; commonly jewelry.

Many people find when they first start out with metal detecting that they want to experiment with many different types of detecting.

 If that is the case, there are actually many types of metal detectors that will function in a variety of environments, but you should keep in mind that these metal detectors are usually going to be more expensive than a metal detector that is meant for only one environment.

Another factor to take into consideration is your physical shape. If you study a few detectors you will find that there are various configurations and designs available.

Some metal detectors are designed to be hung from the waist. If you are going to be detecting for several hours at a time, you want to focus on finding a metal detector that will be comfortable to carry around and use for extended periods of time.

You should also understand that there are three basic types of metal detectors.

They are pulse detectors, motion detectors and multi-frequency detectors. If you plan to use your metal detector in land or on fresh water, a detector with motion detection is a good choice, but if you are going to use it in salt water, you would do better to choose a pulse detector. Multi-frequency metal detectors are without a doubt the most expensive option, but provide the benefit of offering a larger range of options.

What about waterproofing? A land detector usually provides many features that can be helpful such as what you may have found before you actually start digging.

 The built-in display will offer information regarding the type of material that has been found as well as the depth at which the item is located. 

These are features that will not be included on a waterproof machine, but with a waterproof machine you can use it in shallow water without any safety concerns.

For most people, the final decision of what type of metal detector to buy usually comes down to a matter of budget and how much time you think you will spend using your metal detector versus what you can afford to spend. Do remember that if you buy a metal detector that is very inexpensive, you likely will not be able to penetrate the ground very deeply which means that you probably will not be able to locate many items and that can be disappointing and often result in giving up metal detecting guide to solven problem on the job.

Many people are so excited and anxious to get started with metal detecting that they rush into the process of buying a metal detector without giving it any proper thought and consideration. 

As a result, they often come to regret their purchase. No matter how excited you may be, the best way to approach purchasing a metal detector is to take your time and do the research that is necessary so you can find the detector that will meet your needs.

On the other hand, if you are able to spend slightly more money you will be able to purchase a more reliable machine that will really open up the world of metal detecting for you.

 Before long you will be on your way to locating some really great find; many of which could easily pay for the cost of your metal detector.


Let's review some of the more common features that can be included in many metal detectors today.

This feature refers to the amount of depth that is detectable for a particular metal detector. The amount of depth can depend on the size and the material of a particular item as well as the composition of the soil.

Most of the metal detectors on the market today utilize a visual, tactile or audio alert to let the user know when the detector has picked up a signal. Machines that are less expensive will often use a beep tone that remains the same regardless of what has been detected. A more expensive metal detector will offer distinctive tones that change based on the material that has been detected.

Ground balance
The minerals that are contained within the earth can effect metal detecting. To help combat this problem many metal detectors offer the ability to adjust for or cancel out those metals to avoid error alerts. Cheaper metal detectors provide a manual adjustment while more expensive machines use microprocessors to automatically handle this.

Detection Mode
Many brands of metal detectors offer users the ability to change settings based on whatever it is they are looking for, such as jewelry mode, relic mode, coin mode, etc.

Some metal detectors make it possible to adjust the level of sensitive so that the machine is more or less sensitive to particular objects. This can be helpful if you are searching in an area where you know there is a lot of trash such as aluminum.

A higher-end metal detector will typically provide more information on the display than a less expensive machine, such as battery life, target depth, etc.

Other equipment 

That will help you with the metal detecting guide to solve problem on the job.

Pinpointer probes can be helpful when you need to look for items while you are digging. The real purpose of this tool is to cut down on the amount of time that you need to spend in recovering items. A probe is actually a lot like a small metal detector. There are two types of pinpointers; inline and handheld. An inline pinpointer probe can be attached to your metal detector. A handheld is a separate device that you hold in your hand.

Along with the coil that comes standard with your metal detector, there are also other coils that can be used as well including different sizes to help you fine tune your metal detecting efforts.

 A larger coil may help you to gain more depth but only if the targets you are looking for are larger. A larger coil often will not be able to pick up a small target. You should also remember that a large coil can create some problems with masking.

 This occurs when there are both good targets and junk targets located directly beneath the coil. If the targets are really close together the junk target may not be canceled out of the search and it is possible that the detector will not pick up the good target at all.

A smaller coil makes it possible to concentrate the signal on the detector, which makes it even more sensitive to looking for smaller targets, but the trade-off is that you will lose some depth.

It is a good idea to use headphones no matter where you are searching so that you will not disturb other people with the beeps and tones on your metal detector. 

If you are going to be looking in an area where there is likely to be a lot of noise, it is especially important to use headphones because you might otherwise miss your metal detector's signal.

 The best types of headphones will offer adjustable volume control and ear cushions.

A digger can help you to excavate the hole where you have located a target item.

 Many people try to dig out the target with their hands when they are first starting, which can actually be dangerous if there is broken glass in the soil.

 A digger can help you to safely dig out the target. Diggers are also helpful for excavating soil that is dry and hard.

Scoops are ideal to use in soil that is dry and loose, such as on a beach area so that you can easily sort through the soil without worrying about losing any small items.


Once you have purchased your first metal detector you will likely be anxious to get started with it and head out to begin searching for finds.

 Before you do that, it is important to make sure you understand the basics of using your metal detector.

Basic adjusments
To ensure that you are able to get the most from your metal detector you should understand the various adjustments that can be made and how to benefit from

Even a basic metal detector will usually have a mode for discrimination. A metal detector works by using a unique phase shift from particular metal objects that result in the signal you hear when an item is targeted.

 Consequently, you can make adjustments to your metal detector that will make it possible to classify certain types of objects and discriminate between them.

For instance, if you locate an aluminum pull-tab it will has a phase shift that is smaller than that of a silver dime. 

This means that you can set your metal detector to only beep when a dime is found but not when there is a pull-table. Many metal detectors also give you the option to identify the target that has been found on the display or meter. 

This type of adjustment can be quite beneficial when you are looking in a location that tends to have a lot of trash.

It should be kept in mind that you may lose some sensitivity when using the discrimination mode for items that are small or deep.

Using a pinpointer
benefits of using a pinpointer after you have located an item with your metal detector.

The real benefit of a pinpointer is that it can help you to be more precise in pinpointing the precise location of an object. Beginners will find a pinpointer to be particularly helpful. 

To use this tool, you need to dig out the plug in the ground and then place the pinpointer into the hole. 

Be sure that the tuner control has been adjusted and then turn on the pinpointer and begin scanning the target area.

 You should receive a signal that will offer information to help you in determining whether the item is located at a further depth or if you need to look more toward the side of the hole.


Beaches are a great place to look for many different items and are great for beginners.

 While you also have the opportunity to enjoy sunshine and the scenery you will also find that you have a great chance to locate a number of different items that are commonly lost along the beach while people are jogging, sunbathing or simply enjoying the sights. 

When detecting on the beach you should not be surprised to find that there are other people detecting as well. Beaches are extremely popular for detecting.

 It is not that uncommon to see perhaps half a dozen people searching for metal detecting in San Diego beaches

When there are other people out searching, you should try to be discrete about what you are doing because you certainly do not want to alert others to the fact that you may have found something interesting.

There are also certain times that tend to be better for searching on the beach than other times. The weekends and holidays tend to be the most crowded times for beaches.

 Sunday evenings are often the best times to head to the beach because you can often look for items without a lot of people being there and also may be able to look for items that were lost when the crowds were there over the weekend.

When using your metal detector be sure to keep an eye on how high your coil is situated. If you have it about a foot above the ground you are likely going to miss out on a lot. Many people, especially when they are first starting out, make the mistake of holding the coil too high off the ground because they are concerned about damaging the coil.

there are actually still numerous places where you can search, even if you are looking for gold. Below are some possible ideas:

 National Forests In most instances you can search in national forests provided that you are searching for items that are not 50 years old or older. This rule dates back to the 1979 ARPA which states that you may not hunt for manmade items that are 50 years old or older. 

You will usually not be allowed to search in historic sites. According to the 1979 ARPA, permits can be obtained but in most cases they are only available to archaeologists. You can also search outside of Nort American, 

Other possible sites where you can usually search without any problems include:

• Town and City Parks-Even in small parks there are usually items that will have been lost there over time. Such sites are excellent for searching for jewelry and coins. 

• Old Schools-Jewelry and coins are the most frequent finds in these sites, especially old high school and class rings. Keep in mind that if you do find a ring you should make every attempt to locate the original owner.

• Old Home Sites-There are many different items that can be found in old home sites including coins and jewelry as well as various other relics.

• Old Church Sites-You can often find old coins in these locations that were most likely lost when collection plates were passed around.

 • Picnic Groves-During the 19th century picnics were a popular pastime. As a result you are likely to find jewelry and even coins that were lost during such events.

 • Circus and Fair Sites-Coins and jewelry are also often found in these locations.

 • Summer Camps-You may be able to find a wide variety items that have been lost in these areas over the years.

• Scout Camps-These are good sites to look for coins, medals and other type of relics.

 • Swimming Areas-These are always excellent sites in which to look for jewelry, coins and other items that people may have lost while swimming.

 • Athletic Fields-You have a good chance of finding jewelry as well as coins in such fields.

 • Rodeo Arenas-You can find a variety of different items here ranging from belt buckles to horseshoes to coins and jewelry. 

 • Campgrounds-Look for items such as coins and jewelry. Keep in mind that if the campground is located in a state park you should always obtain permission before hunting.

 • Beaches-Beaches are an excellent starting point for beginners. The variety of what you can find at beaches is always quite interesting. Metal detecting in Florida

 • Ghost Towns-All over the country, especially in the southwest, there are numerous ghost towns that have been abandoned over the years. You never know what you might find in ghost towns. You could even possibly find some gold nuggets and other treasures.

 • Roadside Rest Stops-There can be all kinds of things lost in roadside rest stops while people are taking breaks during their travels. These are excellent sites to search. Beach metal detecting

• Revival sites-Revival sites are often much like old church sites. You have a good chance of finding coins that may have been dropped when collections were taken up.

 • Amusement Parks-Another great site to look for coins and jewelry that may have been lost over the years.

 • Fishing Areas-In these sites you may be able to find items such as jewelry and coins but also other items such as tackle and lures.

 • Flea Market Areas-You can find a variety of items in such areas, including artifacts, jewelry and coins. • Racetracks-These are excellent sites to search for coins. 

 • Drive-ins-At one time drive-in movies were quite popular. Today these old sites offer the opportunity to find items like jewelry and coins. 

 • Motels-The parking lots of motels are excellent places to search for jewelry and coins. 

 • Farmer's Markets-Many times coins are dropped during sales transactions in such sites. You may even be able to find old coins if these markets have been around for some time.

• Hiking Trails-You can find a variety of items that may have been dropped in these areas over the years.

 • Parking Spots and Lover's Lanes-You can find items such as jewelry and coins that may have been lost in these areas.

 • Town Squares-Town squares are often a great place to look or a number of different items, particularly around courthouses.

 • Fence Posts-It may seem a bit strange today but fence posts were often once used to mark locations of places where people buried valuables. If they are on private property make sure you ask before you begin to hunt. 

 • Dance Sites-Dance sites in rural areas are a great place to look for jewelry and even coins that could have been lost during dances over the years. 

 • Bridges-Bridges and areas where bridges were once located are excellent places to look for a variety of items that could have been lost by travelers throughout history. 

 • Ferry Sites-A wide variety of items were often lost on ferries, making ferry sites a valuable source to search today. 

 • Wells-In the past many items were often dropped down wells on accident but were also sometimes placed them for safekeeping. Y

• Old Trash and Dump Sites-You just never know what you might find in these locations.

 • Outhouses-This may seem quite strange to you but the remains of an old outhouse could prove to be quite valuable. In some cases people buried items there because they rightly thought that very few people would think to look there!

 • Under Old Porches-Think of all the things that could have been dropped under a porch or may have even been deliberately put there for safekeeping. 

 • Storm Cellars and Basement Steps-These sites can prove to be valuable sites to search as well.

 • Construction Sites-These sites are often a good place to look because bulldozers will have done a lot of the work for you already, unearthing years worth of dirty and making it much easier for you to find a variety of items.

 Naturally, this list is by no means exhaustive, but it should give you a good idea of the many places where you can begin hunting with your metal detector. Keep in mind that in many cases these sites may already have been searched by others but that does not mean that they have been depleted of good finds. They may not have been searched well and there could still be many great items left to find. Someone may have overlooked items or they might have missed the signals from their metal detector. They might not even have dug deeply enough.

Whatever the reason, you should never rule out a site simply because you think someone else might have retrieved all of the good finds before you. Remember that there are a few areas that you should generally steer away from, including:

 • Military reservations 

• Native American reservations 

• National parks and monuments


It is imperative to understand that all property is someone's property. Even if the land appears to be uninhabited and abandoned, it is still someone's property. If you wish to search private property, you must obtain the owner's permission.

 Keep in mind that even if there isn't a no trespassing sign posted on the property, that doesn't mean you can go hunting on that property.


One of the important things that can help you discover hidden treasure is to join metal detecting clubs as these can give you some advantage to improve your metal detecting skills. 

This is not something temporary if you are looking to earn a lot of money you have to see this not as a hobby. 

It is true that many people enjoy this as an adventure, but in addition to meeting new people and sharing with them, you also have the opportunity to find valuable pieces of gold or some valuable object. Without a doubt, metal detecting clubs are important for address problems at work.

Something very interesting that metal detecting clubs can provide is the opportunity to travel to many places where there are options to find valuables. 

Of course, these metal detecting clubs spend time and resources researching and searching for the best places to find valuable metals.

 Which this metal detecting clubs gives you the option to arrive with your team and just have everything planned to go on a treasure hunt. 

If you are a newcomer you can enjoy many benefits by joining a club.

 You may feel a bit overwhelmed at first with so much information, but the good news is that if you have any questions there will always be someone willing to help you with the metal detecting guide to solve problems on the job. 

By belonging to a metal detecting club you are given the opportunity to meet people who have the same interests as you in searching for metals. 

The good thing is that you can learn from other people and if you already have a bit of experience you can share your knowledge with new ones. 

There are some metal detecting clubs, which have their own website, facebook groups, where they report on a treasure hunting excursion, as well as secret tips and stories from people who are experts in treasure hunting.

The importance of joining a metal detecting club to address problems at work can be very advantageous in your search to discover treasure with your metal detector.

 Without a doubt, the joy and happiness of being in a club is very interesting from the camaraderie and the organization of an event to bring people together and enjoy the adventure of finding a lost treasure outdoors.

Now, you will say how much is the membership to belong to a club this can vary according to certain benefits?

 Anyone can belong to a metal detecting club and pay their membership, whether they are new or expecto. 

The only requirements is to follow the club rules, most of which is where you do your search, you have to cover the holes at the terminal, leave everything as you found it . 

The good thing is that metal detecting clubs always get permission when detecting a certain area since that way you can rest easy complying with the laws and nobody is going to put you in jail for detecting metal.


The first thing you must have is knowledge and things will be easier for you, go to Google, search for articles on metal detection. Also in metal detection clubs, libraries, facebook groups, among others, learn since these are topics you need to research and study.

Types of metal detectors and their characteristics.

historical sites.

Basic skill in metal detection.

The second piece of advice is skill. A good metal detector is useless if you don't have the skill to use it and get the most out of it. So, what should you worry about how your metal detector works. 

Learning to identify sounds is how the metal detector communicates with you, it is recommended that you spend some time learning about your metal detector.

The third thing is to have a positive mind.

One of the most important aspects of detecting gold and metals is to have a positive metallicity. You will soon discover that searching for treasures is not easy.

Searching for treasure is not just digging holes and expecting to find gold coins that easy. The safest thing is that at the beginning things are not so simple. 

Therefore, you must have a positive mind when you engage in metal detecting and not give up.

The fourth advice is that you should not walk without permission.

When you go treasure hunting you must have the legal permits to hunt for treasure. We recommend you read the laws on treasure hunting. If you have any questions, I recommend that you call the authorities responsible for this matter and ask for advice and clarification.

Fifth advice is better to have someone accompany you.

It is always advisable to have a partner to help you dig the holes, so that you can help each other if someone is injured. You will also have the opportunity to share ideas.

The sixth advice is when you are working on metal detection, clean the area where you are digging and take out the garbage you find and the pieces of earth you get with metal, take it and clean it with soap and water, start scrubbing it with a slightly soft brush.

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