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Metal detecting is one of the best ways to enjoy nature, and having the best metal accessories to find objects from the past that help us understand history in the same way connects us with inner peace. But, it is recommended for this type of activity to have the right equipment that meets your expectations, since this can mark a good experience and true enjoyment.

Here you will find some of the best metal accessories that you can get for your metal detector so that your possibilities of enjoyment and tranquility are very exciting in this hobby to which more and more people are joining the treasure hunt.

But, keep in mind that swinging a metal detector for several hours. Besides, digging and finding wire, rusty nails, or cans, this could be something that can cause you fatigue, so it wouldn't be so much fun.

So, count on a good metal detector that is up and doing the stopping job. Therefore, there are other tools and equipment that can help save this type of work and make it easier for you so that your treasure hunt can be profitable.

There are two fundamental categories in metal detection: Accessories for metal detectors and Accessories for metal detection.

We are going to refer to the accessories for metal detectors.

What are metal detector accessories? are those items that can be changed or added to your specific metal detector. Certainly the most accessory is the search coils.

Having a good search coil helps you get better results.

Many people ask me "What is the best metal detector?" They know that my personal preference for a versatile detector is the Garrett. I am going to give advice on search coils.

If you search your search is based on small objects (coins, rings, tokens, buttons, gold nuggets.

Searching in tight areas you should use a smaller diameter search coil one that matches the electromagnetic field of the horn.

A smaller search coil can get you into tighter places and in areas where there is a lot of junk it will be a great help.

This type of horn helps narrow the search for valuables.

If you are one of the hunters looking for larger valuables, say relics, fence post banks, shallow coin caches and the like.

 then we recommend the "general" search coil that most often comes with your metal detector.

With which you can get coins and rings, but you also risk losing a coin or ring that is "upright" relative to the reel.

If you want to search for very large and deep objects, such as a buried chest of gold, silver, jewelry, etc., you should use a large diameter coil, especially if you want depth or require covering a lot of ground quickly.

 But, the negative with these large bovine accessories is that you will miss rings and especially small gold nuggets.

To conclude, if you are looking for very large objects, we recommend that you may consider a dual coil setup.

You will get a lot of depth, but you can forget about the small objects (coins, small pips, etc).

Having a selection of search coils will really improve your results.

Here you will find some of the best metal accessories

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