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Nowadays metal detection has changed a lot since the pick and the shovel are left behind. With the evolution of technology now with a metal detector the work becomes easier for you. 

But, that has attracted a lot of people who are passionate about prospecting for gold which brings more competition. What you must have is patience and persistence now how to search for gold nuggets with metal detecting. You should also know some rules before you participate in the find. 

Metal detecting for gold can be a somewhat complex adventure in which with a bit of luck you can find gold nuggets.

The price of gold is now very attractive, so venture into the search for gold nuggets with your metal detector.


There is a great variety but it is recommended to use one that is specific to detect metal signals. There are 2 types to choose from:

First option to choose uses VLF or very low frequency technology, which is designed to detect very small pieces of gold.

The second option is PI or pulse indication technology. which is used to detect larger gold nuggets.

With these tips you can find gold with these types of metal detectors.

Metal detector tip that will help you how to search for gold nuggets with metal detection.

One of the things you have to do after you get your metal detector is to read the manual. This will help you as metal detecting for gold is a bit more complex than other hunts, so it is important to know the functions of the detector. metal detector.

It's always good to do a little research to get an idea of ​​the history of gold in your area.

It is essential to adjust the frequency of your metal detector to the specific concentrations of metals in the ground.

 Keep in mind that setting the frequency of your metal detector even higher will help you detect any piece of gold no matter how small it is now, if you set it to a low level it may not detect gold nuggets.

If you manage to find a piece of gold in a place no matter how small it is, you know that you have reached a great place and there will be more gold. 

Buy the best headphones. This will help you get the least sound differentiation which gives you the advantage of finding gold.

Join a club this will help you get expert advice. It also makes metal detecting more fun and also makes meeting wonderful people.

How to search for gold nuggets with metal detecting is not difficult, but it does require a little patience and knowledge. Of course, there is nothing better than finding gold and putting a lot of money in your pocket! 

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