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One of the greatest sensations for people who seek treasure with metal detecting is the sensation of returning home with small coins and pieces of metal when you first go treasure hunting but can you imagine finding a real treasure? But how to find treasure with metal detecting?

Actually what makes metal detecting so exciting and attractive is discovering treasures. Now, if you went out looking for treasure with your metal detector and it turns out that all you find are soda cans and some small coins, I imagine you are thinking of putting away your metal detector. How to find the treasure with metal detection and what are the secrets? You will like tips to improve your metal detecting

You have to learn to overcome that first in your first searches you find garbage since most of it corresponds to sixty percent and the maximization of what you find of value will depend on your skill with the metal detector and the area you chose to discover. treasure. 

One of the things to keep in mind is that wherever you find ancient relics there is sure to be treasure waiting to be discovered. Also the historical places you can find objects of great value sword, spears, pots, gold coins, silver coins among others.

Finding metal detecting treasures nowadays requires great dexterity and not a simple beep you should first research the places looking for source of support with websites, libraries, metal detecting clubs this will help you to be successful in finding the right one. treasure with metal detection.


If you know a place where they found treasure and you think it was cleaned? Do not give up. If you plan to go to the place, it is best to wait for it to rain as there is more conductivity in the wet ground, so it is possible that you will find elements deeper in the ground. So, expect a strong winter and go out to discover hidden precious treasures.

Of course, after a strong winter, according to my experience, there are changes in the ground and it is time that objects that were not there in previous years appear. 

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